Teabag created 3D interior renders and animation to show BT’s plan to refurb training centres Nation wide through Ben Johnson office solutions.
Month: February 2011
Whats up guys! Today will be learning about Binary Addressing, and how to use a binary chart. This is the first video of our CCNA tutorial series. Enjoy, Dont forget to subscribe. TheITRanger
Jane Swift shares her experience at the Aspire Evening Event. Learn more: www.aspireforequality.co.uk Our events spark action, our community sustains it. Having worked with thousands of women around the world we know that change can be difficult. But change is possible, and daring to imagine a different future is where it starts. Aspire will always
Interview de Donald MacDonald, fonds de pension de British Telecom et président des Principes pour l’Investissement Responsable des Nations Unies (PRI). Il explique le rôle des investisseurs responsables rassemblés sous la bannière des PRI à l’occasion du colloque Novethic 2009 « Stratégies ESG pour investisseurs responsables ». Site web novethic : http://www.novethic.fr